LCD Display


Price: RFQ

The LCD-50HV features a large 5″ colour LCD display, incorporating the latest in TFT technology, to ensure high definition images (800 x 480px) with wide viewing angles.


  • 6 floor message inputs.
  • 5 special message inputs.
  • Separate commons for floor inputs and special message inputs.
  • Automatic display of preprogrammed tenant directory upon trigger input.
  • Inputs can be selected as decimal, Gray code or binary via DIP switches.
  • 24V inputs may be positive or negative switched.
  • Up and down direction inputs for direction display.
  • Full colour TFT display.
  • USB for message storage.
    Multiple text colours available.
  • Reprogramme display, simply by changing the USB.
  • Display can be mounted either vertically or horizontally.
  • Low profile (18mm depth) available with alternate plugs.
  • Programming software available.


DIP switches:

  • Dec switch: Select to “ON” for decimal/direct inputs
  • Bin switch: Select to “ON” for binary/direct code inputs
  • Gray switch: Select to “ON” for Gray code/direct inputs
  • SP switch: Serial data mode (direct input mode ignore)
  • Nb: Only ONE of the above direct input switches shall be selected to “ON”
  • SP switch. Select “ON” to use serial inputs from LCD Encoder board and “OFF” for direct inputs.

To select vertical or horizontal orientation.



  • Supply is wired to +24 and 0V terminals. This shall be a 24VDC supply.
    Note: If a switch mode power supply is used it is recommended that the supply wires be looped through a ferrite core.
  • Inputs 1,2,4,8,16,32,UP and DN  use the “C1” common terminal as their reference.
    Inputs TRIG,SM1,SM2,SM3,SM4,SM5 and SP1 use the “C2” common terminal as their reference.
  • If “C” is 0V then the inputs shall be 24V.
  • If “C” is 24V then the inputs shall be 0V
  • 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 – The floor position shall be displayed depending on these inputs.
  • UP, DN – The direction of travel arrow shall be displayed adjacent to the floor position, depending on the these inputs.

Download LCD-50HV dimesions

Download LCD-50HV board layout

Download ECD Encoder wiring configuration